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Basic Human Body Measurements For Technological Design Pdf

  1. Human Body Measurements For Clothing
  2. Girth Human Body Measurements For Athletes

This Technical Report provides statistical summaries of body measurements together with database background information for working age people in the national populations of individual ISO member bodies. The data in this Technical Report are intended for use in conjunction with ISO standards for equipment design and safety, which require ISO 7250-1 body measurement input, wherever national specificity of design parameters is required. NOTE 1 Users of this Technical Report who know of newly available data are encouraged to contact their ISO member bodies and the ISO TC 159/SC3 secretariat, as described in 6.2. Body measurement data for technological design need to be reliable in terms of representing the intended population and measurement quality. To ensure the comparability of measurements, body dimensions in this Technical Report are measured according to ISO 7250-1.

Human Body Measurements For Clothing

To ensure the reliability of statistical data, databases from which statistics are calculated adhere to ISO 15535. This Technical Report provides body measurement data for people of working age. In order to provide practical data, the age range is not defined and the decision is left to each country, because working age differs among countries. However, the data for children under 16 years are not included. NOTE 2 Secular change means changes in mean body dimensions of a specific group over time. The direction of change can be positive or negative.


Human body measurements for technological design. JIS Z 8500: 2002 (JES/JSA) JAPANESE. Edition of 7250 Ergonomics-Basic human body measurements for techno. Basic human body measurements for technological. Use with product standards for equipment design and safety that require ISO 7250 body. Basic human body measurements for technological design - Part 1: Body measurement definitions and landmarks.

This part of ISO 7250 provides worldwide and regional tables of design ranges for use with product standards for equipment design and safety that require ISO 7250 body measurement data input. Anthropometric data for technological design are used and presented in many standards. However, there is currently no systematic way to update and revise those values in a timely manner, as the body sizes and variation of member body populations change with time.

Further, the schedule of member body anthropometric surveys varies widely. Many industrial products are developed for regional or worldwide markets without a clear presentation of regional and worldwide ISO 7250 design ranges. Users of standards require the most appropriate body measurement values for their intended applications. Together with ISO/TR 7250-2, which serves as a continuously updated data source for most current anthropometric data from individual member bodies, this part of ISO 7250 provides a periodically updated data source for worldwide and regional design ranges, with guidance on sex differences. This part of ISO 7250 is intended as the single source of anthropometric data for equipment design guidance in standards. While there are sources for individual member body data in ISO/TR 7250-2, most standards do not use individual member body data for technological specification.

This part of ISO 7250 is to be used whenever worldwide or regional anthropometric data are needed. In cases when there are no suitable measurements in this part of ISO 7250, the methods and justifications used in arriving at regional and worldwide values from the body measurement data of individual populations can be used with suitable measurement data. The scope of this part of ISO 7250 is limited to the presentation of univariate design ranges of the type currently utilized in product standards (e.g. P1, P5, P95, and P99) and does not address shortcomings of using those values in multivariate designs. A separate standard on multivariate design is in preparation.

Girth Human Body Measurements For Athletes

In addition, this part of ISO 7250 does not address body measurements used in product standards that are not defined in ISO 7250-1. The methods used in developing this part of ISO 7250 do not take into account the population size or sampling methodology of the member bodies, so statistical values from a sparsely populated member body could set regional or worldwide upper or lower limits. The reader is referred to ISO/TR 7250-2 for details on sampling methods used in national surveys.