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Game Maker 3d Models


After becoming fed up with the traditional process of importing 3D models into, I decided to write an addon for which would allow direct export of 3D data to GameMaker – eliminating the need for weird middleware or slow/clunky import scripts. You can download this addon below, find instructions for how to use it, and this is where I will post all future updates to this project. Here is the most up-to-date version of the addon (last updated July 16, 2017): Installation Download the script, then open up Blender and go to File User Preferences, click the Addons tab at the top, then click Install from File. Once the script is installed, find it in your list of addons (type “gamemaker” in the search box, or click the Import-Export button tab to the left), and tick the small box on the right to enable it. Click Save User Settings and close the window. Now you’re ready to start exporting models to GameMaker: Studio! Export When you’ve got your 3D model ready to export, select it, then click File Export GameMaker 3D (.txt).

  1. Model Maker Game Online
  2. 3d Model Maker Software
  3. Game Maker 3d Models

Next you’ll see the standard Blender save dialog, but it’ll have some new options specific to the GameMaker export addon in the panel on the left. There are a number of formats and model types to choose from now – here is a brief explanation of what each of the settings does: Format The desired output format of the model.

The 3D Game Builder is a tool for 3D game creation and. Allow the users to directly import 3D models created in the most. 3d Model Builder; 3d Game Maker. 3D Models This section details all the functions available to you for using and creating 3D models. When you need to draw large models it is rather expensive to call.

Basically, how you want your output data formatted. GML Script – The model will be output as a self-contained GML script, which can be added to your game as a script that you call to load your model. The script will return the new model’s id. GameMaker Model – The model will be output in GameMaker’s built-in model format, and can be loaded to your game using d3dmodelload. Raw Vertex Data – The model will be output as a list of vertex data, which follows this format: x, y, z, x normal, y normal, z normal, uv x, uv y. Each line is a vertex, and as with the other models, the number and order of vertices will depend on the model type you select in the next dropdown. Model Type The type/style of the exported model.

Triangle List – The model is written as a list of its triangles. Line List – The model is written as a list of vertex pairs, one pair for each of its edges. Point List – The vertex data is written as a list of points, one for each vertex.

Apply modifiers Whether or not to apply any modifiers that might be on the object before exporting it. Generally, it’s a good idea to keep this on, because otherwise the exported model could differ from what you’re seeing in Blender. Rotate X by 90 If you happened to create your model with the wrong orientation, or you imported it from a 3D app that uses Y as up (as opposed to Z) then this is a quick way to fix that in the exported model. It will rotate the model 90 degrees on the X axis. Mirror on Y Axis In Blender, the 3D space is oriented Z-up – but if you look at how X and Y are oriented, you’ll notice that Y runs positive in the opposite direction of how it would in a GameMaker game that is also Z-up. Therefore, if your model isn’t symmetrical, it will get mirrored going from Blender to GameMaker.

This option flips the exported model by mirroring it on the Y axis. Flip UV Vertically Similar to the issue mentioned above, Blender’s UV coordinates also run opposite to GameMaker’s on the Y axis, so you either need to flip the UV coordinates (which is what this option does) or flip your texture map. Scale If your game uses a 3D scale that is different from Blender, you can use this option to scale the exported models, without having to work on models that are uncomfortably large or small, and without having to depend on scaling objects in GameMaker as you draw them, which often seems to cause the object’s normals to appear incorrect. Make Coordinates Relative This option will only appear if you are exporting the model as a GML script. If enabled, it will add some extra variables to the script that lets you transform/translate the model when you call the model script in your game. This can be useful if you want to add multiple copies of the object to your game, but in different places, and don’t want to perform the transform/translation at runtime. Once you’ve chosen an appropriate path, filename, and the settings you want, click Export for GameMaker.

The script will output a text file and your export will be ready to bring into GameMaker! Import Depending on which model format you chose, there will be different ways to get your exported model into GameMaker at this point. If you chose GameMaker Model or GML Script, you can follow the instructions below to get your model data into GameMaler. If you exported the model as raw vertex data, it will be up to you to consider how you want to import (and utilize) the data. Importing a GameMaker Model This is the easiest way to get your model into a GameMaker project.

Just call the d3dmodelload function and point it to your model. Optionally, you may want to add the model file to your Included Files in the resource tree, so it always gets packaged with your game.

You can also change the filename and/or extension to something else – GameMaker: Studio doesn’t care what extension the file has, as long as the data inside the file remains intact. Importing a GML Script If you’d rather have your models reside in your project as scripts (or, perhaps, you want to do some further manual tweaking of your model in GameMaker’s script editor), you can use the GML Script option. Open the text file the addon created and select everything there, then create a new script in your GameMaker project, name it something appropriate, and paste the model data into the script. Now just call the script when you’d like to load up your model, and store the returned model id to use later for drawing, etc. Your script will have a few more arguments to it if you chose the Make Coordinates Relative option when you exported your model. Tips While this Blender addon tries to help alleviate a lot of the problems with importing 3D objects to GameMaker from other 3D applications, there are still a number of things to be aware of to ensure that the best results. Here are a few tips that might help you:.

Make sure your object is oriented around the world origin (0, 0, 0) in Blender exactly how you want it to be in the game – this will be your object’s default rotational axis. Additionally, make sure your object is rotated and scaled properly to your game’s setup. It’s a good idea to apply your object’s location, rotation, and scale before exporting. You can do this by selecting your object, then pressing CTRL+A, then applying each of these properties. This will move the object’s origin to 0, 0, 0, and also normalize the object’s scale and rotation. The Edge Split modifier can give you more control over how your object’s normals appear in GameMaker.

You can read more about using it. Don’t forget to set up your object’s UV’s, if you’re planning on drawing it with a texture applied. Blender has many tools to help you do this, which you can read about. Although this addon is built in a way that it should never perform any permanent, destructive operations on your models, always be sure to save your work in Blender before exporting, just in case Further Development Although this addon has reached a pretty good place in terms of features, there’s always more to add. Currently, I’d like to add support for GameMaker Studio 2/vertex buffers, but that’s all that’s on my list. If you have any feature requests or bug reports, please and let me know!

Additionally, you’re welcome to add your own functionality, which should be relatively easy thanks to Blender’s Python scripting system. If you make any big improvements or additions that you think I might like to see, please drop me a note.

This script was built from an open source script originally written. I have contacted Jeff and he has indicated that he requires no credit or compensation for utilizing his script in this way. You can view the original script’s license. Changelog 1.5.9. Added proper changelog! Dax - Thanks for the reply Martin. So, just to clarify, MagicaVoxel outputs the following files: model.obj model.mtl model.png Blender will use your script and product a.txt file.

Model Maker Game Online

I can copy and paste this.txt file into a script in GameMaker and display the model (without colour) To get colour on my 3D model you’re saying resize the model.png to 256×256 and import it into GameMaker Can you explain how to link model.png to my 3D model in Gamemaker? Do I need some sort of extra file like a UV Map?

Sorry for the newbie questions, but I’ve never done it before;-). In reply to Dax. Hmm I’ve never had that happen. Have you tried a different location, just to check?

I just downloaded the script and freshly installed it, and it works just fine saving to my desktop. Does your user name on your computer have any odd characters in it that might be throwing off Blender’s file system handling? Try saving to just c:/ (or some other root location) where there can’t be any folder name issues. Also, make sure that when you save, at the top of the save dialog: the upper input box has the location and the bottom box has the file name.

Let me know if this helps! Terrence - Hi, Martin! I’m finding a bit of trouble in the rendering portion of the 3D object, which my subsequently label my problem as a Game Maker problem that can easily be remedied, with help. My problem is, when attempting to draw the 3D model in-game, it doesn’t show up! Here are the steps I’d taken before meeting this problem: 1) I went through the process of opening a.OBJ model in Blender, using the addon to export the model as a.txt file, and copying the script included in the.txt file to a script in my game. 2) (This may very well be where my limited knowledge of 3D in GM:Studio got the best of me) I called the script in a code box in the Create event of the object that I chose to render the model. To call the script I simply typed out the name of the script (in this case it’s “modelbuildtree;”) and that was all I kept in the object’s Create event.


3) I went to the object’s Draw event, placed a code box, and typed out d3dmodeldraw(temp,x,y,0,global.texturetree) (I have a solid green texture saved as “global.texturetree”, this for sure isn’t the problem) and left the draw event at that. I already have d3d started and everything for the room of my game, as I am able to see 3d blocks I’d previously made. So at this point, I placed the object, with only two lines of code (one in the Create event, and one in the Draw event) into my room. 4) I ran the game, and in my room I could only see the 3D blocks I had placed previously, no 3D model of a tree anywhere to be seen.

There is a very good chance that I missed a step setting up the script to actually render the 3D model in game, so I’d like you to enlighten my on whatever else I need to add to the coding of my game to get the model to show up, if you don’t mind, that is! Thank you in advance! Erdrick The Hero - Martin – Thanks for the script! So far, I’m finding it to be pretty useful, but I’ve hit a bit of a snag: When importing my model into GameMaker, I am able to display the model perfectly fine in a solid color, but when applying the texture, it appears as if my UV map is completely ignored, and the texture is just fit randomly onto the geometry. Now, I’ve only just started modelling for games (my previous modelling experience was for technical and architectural drawing, and it wasn’t ever necessary to apply a texture via UV map), so it’s possible that I’m misunderstanding something – but the texture fits my model fine in Blender. Any hints as to why this is occurring?

Top Posts & Pages. Recent Comments. is a nice and general implementation for the 2D case available at 2 with some hints for extending it to 3D. Practices —???????????????????????,???????????????????????. code promotion I do not know if it's just me or if perhaps everybody else experiencing issues with your website. It seems like some of the text. –.

Jeffrey A Voigt Thank you for this article. However, I'm stuck on 'Don’t put meshes at the roots of prefabs if you want to add other scripts.' –. ????????

–. Mh Hi!

I'm a unity developer and i really liked this logging thing, but i don't know anything about Web or HTML or java, and i. – Categories. (68).

(1). (20). (3). (7). (3). (6). (10).

(6). (1). (23). (4). (4).

(19). (1). (15).

(2). (1). (20). (2).

(5). (12). (46). (42). (4).

(11). (2). (2). (4).

(3). (222). (1). (221). In / tagged / / by It goes without saying that almost every game developer probably started out wanting to make games in 3D.

After all, practically all of the AAA games that we played growing up were in 3D, so it comes as no surprise that we want to create our own 3D wonderworks. What you may or may not realize is that the humble Game Maker comes with the ability to draw 3D graphics. This makes the task of putting 3D games together a lot simpler. However, one thing I would like to emphasize early on is that 3D is just another tool – nothing more, nothing less.

Giving a game 3D graphics will not magically make it better. In fact, it can complicate a design that would otherwise work perfectly well in 2D.

Conversely, using 3D in GM can also simplify certain graphical aspects of your game. It’s up to you to determine whether it’s worth all the extra effort, and to be aware of the limitations of Game Maker’s 3D functions. Bear in mind that GM’s 3D functions are fairly simplistic. GM is a 2D game engine with some 3D graphics functions slapped in for good measure. You’ll also need to be quite familiar with GML scripting, since 3D is beyond the scope of the drag ‘n’ drop beginner’s interface. Furthermore, before you get all excited, take note – Game Maker does NOT do the following:. Shaders.

Forget about it. 3D movement and positioning calculations. Remember that even though it’s rendering in 3D, GM still operates on a 2 dimensional plane under the hood. If you want to build an FPS where you can fire projectiles up and down as well as horizontally, you’ll have to be prepared to script your own code to have things position and move properly in 3D.

GM doesn’t do it for you out of the box. You’ll be fine for 2.5D games though. Accurate 3D polygonal collision detection.

GM doesn’t do this for you, nor does it give you direct access to mesh data or the matrix functions you’d need to implement it yourself. There are ways to do collision detection, but not on a per-polygon basis. This makes 3D level design particularly finicky. Intelligent rendering. Most 3D game engines have fancy code running under the hood to ensure that they only draw what they need to, instead of lobbing every polygon in the scene at the graphics card and slowing things down to slideshow speeds.

GM doesn’t do this. Depending on the complexity of your rendered scene, you may have to implement your own system to prevent unwanted objects from being drawn. Fancy 3D modelling and animation.

While scripts exist for you to import 3D models, and even build animations, GM (say it with me) does not support this out of the box. I should note that if you search the Internet hard enough, you can find scripts and stand-alone engines that you can plug into a GM game to give it the above functionality.

These vary in quality and ease of use, and fall outside the scope of this tutorial. Okay, enough disclaimers and doomsaying.

Let’s see what this thing can do. This tutorial will guide you through setting up a basic 3D scene, and show you what commands are available and how they’re used. The camera The camera is your window into the 3D world, so it makes sense that we cover it first. Without the camera, GM won’t know from which viewpoint you want your 3D world to be rendered, and give you a bizarre upside-down default view. As such, it helps to have a core camera object from which you can control the 3D viewpoint.

Your implementation may differ, but I generally like to put all of the 3D initialization stuff into the camera object too, since it keeps it in one logical and convenient place. The first thing we need to do to get our 3D game up and running is to initialize 3D mode.

We’ll do this in our camera object. Here’s a sample of the code that goes into the Create event of my camera object: //Start 3D mode d3dstart; //Enable lighting d3dsetlighting(true); //Enable backface culling. This stops the renderer from drawing polygons that //face away from the camera, speeding the render up.

D3dsetculling(true); //Define and enable a global directional light. We won't go into the details //right now, but I will cover this in a later tutorial. D3dlightdefinedirection(1,1,0.5,0,cwhite); d3dlightenable(1,true); And that does it for your initialization. The next exciting bit will be in your Draw event: d3dsetprojection(x,y,0,x+20,y,0,0,0,1); This do-all function specifies where your camera will be placed, and where it will be pointing.

And that’s it. Using the information you give that function, GM will render the scene. Quick and easy. For now, the above code will point the camera to the right of wherever it’s placed. Obviously, you can replace the constants here with any variable you like, allowing you to change the viewpoint however you require.

I recommend playing with these variables by yourself once you’ve got this tutorial code up and running, to get a better idea of what they do. Camera settings One final thing. In 3D mode, it is incredibly important that you take note of the order in which things are drawn, especially the camera.

3d Model Maker Software

The camera must always be drawn first. No exceptions. So how do you control this? Simple – the “depth” variable that comes part of every GM object you create.

If you’ve played with it in 2D mode, you’ll know that objects with higher depths are processed and drawn first. As such, it’s good to set your camera object’s depth to a really high number to ensure that it goes first (I tend to use 10000000 or so). If your 3D scene draws itself from a top-down perspective instead of from the camera, that’s a sure sign that the draw order is out. Drawing 3D primitives Now that we have a camera to render stuff from, we need something to point it. Normally this would involve a whole lot of 3D modeling. Fortunately, GM comes with a set of functions that allows you to render a selection of 3D primitives using nothing but a single line of code. Let’s take a look.

To start off with, we’ll draw a good old cube. Create an object called “Cube”, and place the following in its Draw event. Drawsetcolor(cwhite); d3ddrawblock(x-16,y-16,-16,x+16,y+16,16,-1,1,1); Firstly, we need to define the colour that our primitive is drawn in. We do this using the good old drawsetcolor function that we use in 2D. It’s important to set the colour first, because otherwise our polygons will be drawn in black by default – not the finest colour for 3D objects to be. The second line contains the command to draw a cube. The first six arguments allow you to define the dimensions of the cube, using two sets of x,y,and z variables that you want your cube to be draw between.

Using these, you can control the proportions of your cube. The last three arguments are used for texture mapping. Since we don’t have a texture at the moment, we’ll set the texture to -1, and the last two variables to 1.

Don’t worry – when we eventually delve into texture mapping, I’ll let you know how they work. There are other primitives that you can draw in a very similar way. Once you have this tutorial code up and running, try playing with the following functions: d3ddrawfloor, d3ddrawwall, d3ddrawcone, d3ddrawcylinder, and d3ddrawellipsoid. You can find out more about them in the GM help file.

Next, put your Camera and Wall objects in a room. Set the room background to a colour that won’t interfere with the visibility of your cube. Then place your camera, and place your cube object to the right of it (since we’ve set the camera to point to the right of where it’s placed). Room setup Then run the game!

Game Maker 3d Models

You should see a grey square rendered in front of the camera! That’s one face of your cube! Try altering the positioning arguments of the d3dsetprojection function to get different views of the cube. That’s it for this month!

Until next issue, try playing around with using different primitives, and experiment with positioning and orienting the camera. Next issue, we’ll look at rotating and transforming 3D objects, and find out a little bit more about lighting.