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Lexisnexis File And Serve Training

  1. Lexisnexis File And Serve Express

E-Filing The system allows authorized users to file and serve documents electronically in the Colorado Courts. Licensed attorneys may use the system for civil, criminal (in districts), domestic, water, probate, and appellate court cases. Technical Support Email or call 1-855-264-2237. Feedback Send comments, questions, or concerns to. User Community Registered users can join our. Updates. Criminal E-Filing Schedule Update. On October 16th, 2015, we updated the for criminal e-filing.

LexisNexis Risk Management Solutions® quickly delivers information to help you authenticate the identities of both individuals and businesses. And now, the Top 20 Answers. Posted by F&SBlogAdmin. LexisNexis File & Serve training is always free, and can be provided in-house or on-line, and as CLE. Please contact our customer support team at support@fileandserve.com or 1-888-529-7587 if you have any questions or need assistance. REMINDER: To enable a smooth.

Learn more about the criminal e-filing pilot. FAQs Does the system have documents and cases from the old LexisNexis File & Serve system? Yes, all cases and documents filed to the court via LexisNexis File & Serve are available in the Colorado Courts E-Filing system. The PDF versions of all documents filed with the court through LexisNexis File & Serve are also available. “Serve only” documents from File & Serve are not available, as they were not filed to the court.

What document security levels does the system have? There are three security levels for documents filed with the court. Public - Access to court, all case parties, and public. Suppressed/Protected/Restricted - Access to the court and all case parties only. Sealed - Access to the court only.

See for detailed definitions of these security levels. There are three security levels for serve only documents. Public - All case parties and public. Suppressed - All case parties only.

Private - Filing parties and served parties only. Are minute orders available? Minute orders are not yet available, but there are plans to include them in a future release. Can the courts reject filings? Yes, the court clerks can reject filings.

However, they may only do so for at least one of the reasons for rejection listed in. If the court rejects your filing, you can see the rejection reason through the Alerts screen. Does the system charge organizations for rejected filings?

Statutory fees are not assessed on filings until the courts accept them. Thus, statutory fees are not charged on rejected filings.

E-Service and US Mail fees are assessed when the filing is submitted to the court and are non-refundable. Each rejected filing will be accompanied by a reason for rejection. The system also allows rejected documents to automatically be included in a new filing that can be corrected and re-submitted to the court.

However, e-service, e-mail and mail fees would be assessed again for a re-submission. How do you bill organizations? Organizations are be billed monthly and will receive their invoice via e-mail. What payment options are available?

Accepted payment types include automated clearing house (ACH)/E-Check, physical check, and credit card. Paying your invoice by credit card will include an additional 3.0% fee.

You can review the for all fees associated with the system. Is there a file size limit for e-filed documents? Yes, the system allows up to 3MB per document with a total of 50MB per filing submission. Can organizations e-file into Denver County Court? Denver County Court cases are not available in the Colorado Court's E-Filing system.

Organizations should continue to file and serve in Denver County Court through File & Serve Xpress. Denver District and Probate Court cases can be submitted through the Colorado Court's E-Filing system. What cases can attorneys and agencies file into? COUNTY COURT: Civil suits asking for money damages; FED case types filed pursuant to § 13-40-101 et.

Lexisnexis File And Serve Express

Seq.; foreign judgments; name changes; replevins; misdemeanors; and minor traffic infractions. DISTRICT COURT: General jurisdiction civil, domestic relations, probate, and water cases.

Criminal and juvenile delinquency cases. COURT OF APPEALS: All case classes and types. SUPREME COURT: All case classes and types. What cases can self-represented litigants file into?

The Branch piloted Small Claims E-Filing for self-represented (pro se) litigants in Adams and Jefferson County. The pilot ended in August 2017, and the Branch is now working to expand the system for pro se litigants across all case classes in the coming months. Does the system support Batch Filing? Yes, batch filing is available and supported for civil case classes. For additional information please e-mail. Do 3rd Party Filers need to sign an agreement with a law firm to use the system? 3rd Party Filers and their law firms must sign a.

3rd Party Filers will need to scan and e-mail the signed agreement to. A Support Team member will notify each organization when the account creation process is complete. Can an attorney have multiple accounts?

(This FAQ applies only to those attorneys who chose to set up multiple accounts tied to the same bar number) Yes, but each account must be tied to an organization. And as an attorney, you can have more than one account tied to your bar number and housed in different organizations. However, if you choose to maintain multiple accounts, there are several important caveats to note with cases that you initiated through LexisNexis (historical cases) and which were imported into the Colorado Courts E-Filing system. The courts case management system does not tie your bar number to an organization.

Therefore, with multiple accounts, the system will not know by default which account should be tied to which organization in your historical cases. As a result, until you file a document in these historical cases through one of your accounts, the following limitations will apply in each case:. Staff within your organizations will not have access to the case’s suppressed and protected documents.

Staff within your office will not have access to a suppressed case or a probate case. Opposing counsel will not be able to e-serve you in the case. After you or your staff files into these historical cases using one of your accounts, the system will then be able to tie the historical cases to the proper organization. This will restore your staff’s access to protected and suppressed documents; suppressed cases and probate cases; and opposing counsel’s ability to e-serve you. In addition, your email address will be your user ID. Your email address must be unique for each account. Thus, if you wish to maintain different accounts you must use different email addresses for each.


What happens to an organization’s court case when an attorney of record leaves the organization? When an attorney leaves an organization, both the attorney and the organization will retain access to the case until the attorney or the organization takes one of the actions below to transfer ownership. The transferring attorney keeps the case: The attorney will receive a new system account in the new organization and should file a “Notice of Change of Address – Attorney” under this new account. This filing will transfer the case to the new organization. The current organization keeps the case: The organization should file a “Substitution of Counsel”. This filing will keep the case at the existing organization and update counsel of record. Neither the transferring attorney nor the existing organization will continue representation: The attorney should file a “Notice of Withdrawal' or 'Motion to Withdraw”.

This will remove case access from the attorney and the organization.

Now, Compare Their Answers to Ours: 1. How long has your company been in the electronic document business? Lexis has been providing law firms access to electronic document databases since 1973. How many cases does your company have on-line? LexisNexis File & Serve has more than 2.1 million e-file and e-service cases on-line. How many registered users does your service support? More than 105,000 users have served nearly 36 million documents on File & Serve.

Do you provide free training and 24/7/365 support? LexisNexis File & Serve training is always free, and can be provided in-house or on-line, and as CLE. Toll free Customer Support is available 24/7/365 and is also free. How much does it cost to set up an account? Setting up a File & Serve account for your firm is free (and easy). Do I have to download software to use your program? There’s no software to download to use File & Serve – and we even convert your documents automatically from desktop applications into PDF format for you so there’s no need for third-party software to convert your Word or WordPerfect documents into PDFs.

Do you charge users by transaction, by document, or by page? The firm serving the document is charged a single transaction fee to electronically serve the document on an unlimited number of parties in a case with no page limit. The firms receiving the document are not charged. And all of the parties in the case have unlimited, free access to the documents served by or on them. Can I check my firm’s account on line? Firm administrators can find their firm’s account information and even copies of past invoices in the Toolbox on their home page. And you can receive your monthly invoices electronically too!

Can I manage my own firm’s users on your system? Your firm’s File & Serve administrator can easily add and delete users, reset passwords and modify your firm’s information online. Can users of your service designate associate and staff members to receive copies of notifications in a case? Members of your firm who are registered with File & Serve can receive copies of notifications when documents are electronically served in your cases – free of charge. Do you provide a searchable repository of all of the documents served in a case? All of the documents served in your case reside in a secure, on-line repository, in docket format, that is searchable by date, attorney, firm, parties, document type or document title.

And the document repository remains available to you long after you’ve closed your paper file and sent it to storage. Do you charge the users for access to their document repository in their case? Registered users of File & Serve are never charged to access the e-served documents in their cases. And remember - the repository remains available to you long after you’ve closed your paper file and sent it to storage 13. Does your service provide each case with a managed, on-line service list for quick and accurate selection of the parties?

With File & Serve, all of the parties in a case have access to a single, on-line service list for quick and accurate selection of the parties so there’s less chance of not serving all of the parties or serving the wrong parties. Can users attach supporting documents to a primary document in a single transaction? With File & Serve, a transaction consists of your primary document and all of the supporting documents that accompany it, without a page limit, all for a single transaction price.

Does your service provide instant confirmation of proof of service? File & Serve users receive instant confirmation that their documents have been delivered. View or print an online proof-of-service that lists the parties served and the exact time and date of delivery. Can I file multiple documents in different cases and change a client code for billing purposes for each transaction without logging out and logging back in?

Unlike most online e-delivery services, File & Serve allows you to file documents in different cases and even change client codes for billing purposes between transactions without logging out and logging back in – further streamlining your firm’s efficiency. Does your service offer a message board for informal correspondence between the parties?

Message Board is an optional service with File & Serve that allows the parties in a case, including the judge or ADR professional overseeing the case if they choose to be involved, to informally communicate and discuss issues without incurring individual transaction expenses. Messages from the Message Board are sent directly to your mailbox – isn’t it nice to get direction directly from the judge on critical issues without waiting for the mail? Does your service offer a shared calendar application?

File & Serve offers a shared Calendar service, as part of its Message Board option, which allows the parties in a case to informally discuss and mutually schedule calendar dates for such things as depositions, conference calls and inspections. Does your service alert users to new documents served in a case? With File & Serve, when a document is served in your case you receive nearly instant notification of that event with a hyperlink directly to that document from your File & Serve In-Box.

Do you have the ability to send e-served documents to parties who are not registered with your service by fax or by U.S. Parties in a case who are not registered with File & Serve, or who choose not to be served by e-service, can be served by fax or by U.S. Mail with File & Serve. E-Service parties in a case are automatically served with your documents from File & Serve. For the other parties, you decide whether it makes more economic sense to serve the non-subscribers directly from your firm or with our optional fax or USPS service. If your e-service provider can’t match the service LexisNexis File & Serve provides, why stick with them? Keith Foote LexisNexis File&Serve.