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Order Of The Stick Start Of Darkness

  1. Rich Burlew
  2. The Order Of The Stick Start Of Darkness

Giant In the Playground Games 12/6/2017 -8/29/2017 - (FAQ) Order of the Stick Erfworld Erfworld RSS Feeds: by Amber E. Scott by Amber E. Scott by Amber E. Scott by Rich Burlew by Rich Burlew by Rich Burlew 12/6/2017 Just a quick update to say that the holiday ornament and some new t-shirt designs I alluded to in the last update are now available. This year's piece features Durkon and Malack throwing down with magical fire. We've also put the five older ornaments in the 'battle ornament' series back on sale in case you missed one and want to be sure you have the whole set of six.

More Order Of The Stick Start Of Darkness images.

If you want to see what designs are available and see some nice zoomed-in pictures of them before shopping, you can head over to the I started in the forum. It's that time of year, when I have a bunch of new stuff to sell that I hope you buy for whatever holiday you celebrate. The first such thing is the, the fifth annual Order of the Stick calendar that we've done.

This year, the characters are continuing the tradition of acting out classic public domain stories that was first seen in and continued in. Every month, they'll take on a different set of roles, and then tell a bunch of jokes about it in the bottom half. But for the first time, we're offering the calendar in both printed and digital formats simultaneously. The from Ookoodook will look great on your wall, but the from Gumroad will get you all the humor with fewer shipping costs.

Please note that both versions are pre-sales: the printed version will not arrive in the Ookoodook warehouse until December 11 (assuming no printer delays), while the digital version will arrive in your email inbox on December 18. The extra week is because I really don't want people who spend extra for the print version to get spoiled on everything before they get their package in the mail. Also, keep in mind that last year, the printed calendars sold out during the pre-sale period. The reason that happened is that I need to place the order with the printer after I see only the first few days of sales, so I'm forced to estimate how many to get.

With something like a book, I order as many as I can, but with calendars, I err on the side of not having a bunch leftover. So if you absolutely want a printed calendar, your best bet is to order as soon as possible. Oh, and if you wanted to add a game to your order, Ookoodook is taking 50% off the price of all board and card games from now to the 10th with the code CYBERMONDAYPLUS which I know was yesterday but it still works, even on the.

Finally, watch this space for further announcements in the next week or so, especially if you're interested in getting this year's holiday ornament or some t-shirts or something like that. In honor of Halloween, the Autumn edition of A Monster for Every Season is now available. Actually, it was available a few days ago, but I had some technical difficulty updating this News page. Anyway, it's here now. If that's something you're interested in, you can to pick it up, or you can check out the to learn more. Oh, and with regard to the last News post below: No serious flood damage was incurred at the Ookoodook warehouse during the storm and everything worked out for everyone.

The floors got wet, and that's about it. So, good news all around. 8/29/2017 Two pieces of news, one serious and one fairly trivial. The important news is following up on a to let everyone know that Ookoodook, our direct retail partner, is located in Houston, Texas.

I'm sure you're aware that Houston has been going through some historic flooding over the last few days, but as of my most recent contact with Ookoodook's owner Kevin, he and everyone he works with is safe and doing OK. But obviously, they're not going to be shipping any orders any time soon, so if you're waiting on some books or board games, you should expect some substantial delays.

We honestly don't even know what the status of the warehouse is at this point; we may be looking at a lot of ruined books. But for right now, what matters is that everyone is safe. I will any additional information I get when I get it. The second piece of news literally does not matter at all, but here we go anyway: The second set of A Monster for Every Season print-and-play gaming miniatures, Summer, is at Gumroad. If you liked the Spring set (see post directly below this one), hopefully you'll like this one, too.

You can check out the to look at the cover and learn more about it, or go directly to and pick it up. I know this may be arriving a little bit too soon after the last one, but I really wanted to release it before the end of the actual season being referenced on the cover, just for the sheer novelty of finishing something on time. 7/5/2017 So this is possibly my favorite unexpected thing that came out of the Kickstarter, and I'm finally bringing it to the general public after five years. Late in the pledge drive, I committed to giving the backers a set of OOTS-style print-and-play monster miniatures for use in their home tabletop games, and then eventually four such sets. I called them A Monster for Every Season, and this first set, Spring, is at Gumroad. The file contains a whopping 334 creatures to print, cut, and fold before unleashing them in your next adventure.

The set includes many nature-themed creatures—animals, plants, fey, druids, and rangers—as well as a bunch of green monsters like goblins, orcs, and trolls. You can download a complete list of every creature in the set here. And it's only the first of four seasonal sets; the Summer set is even bigger and should be available in the next few months (though this one was supposed to be up before June 22, so who knows). There's a lot more information on our, and if you have any questions, you can ask in the. I'm just excited to be able to share these with everyone finally, since I really am happy with how well they came out. I hope they make everyone's gaming experience just a little bit better, if only because it's hard to get a miniature for a pack mule otherwise, and what else are you going to use to carry your 70,000 copper pieces to town?

2/21/2017 So last year I released the first of the Kickstarter exclusive stories, to the general public to buy through Gumroad. Today, that process continues with the second such story, Haleo and Julelan. This is a Elan's retelling of the classic Shakespeare play Romeo and Juliet, with all the roles being played by your favorite OOTS characters (ike they did with Hamlet in Snips, Snails, and Dragon Tales). This one is pretty much 100% comedy, too, if you like that sort of thing. It's a 25-page story—twice as long as the Belkar one—and since it worked out so well, I'm once again offering it with a pay-what-you-think-is-fair price tag. Just type in whatever price you think it's worth to you and bam, that's the price. You can get it right.

Also, the most recent main story compilation book, Blood Runs in the Family, is also in PDF format for the (very low compared to the print version) price of $19. So if you've been collecting those, there you go. Hey, so, it turns out we sold out of those calendars pretty quickly—earlier than we ever have before, in fact. So if you wanted to get one and didn't get there in time, I've put the up on Gumroad as a digital PDF. It includes an explicit note on the back letting you print it out for personal use, so you can bring it to the local print shop and get a copy for your wall. Or you can just look at it on the computer, that's OK too.

In fact, since this is a thing that some of you have been requesting for a while, I've put the previous three calendars up as PDFs at the, too. Obviously, they aren't terribly useful as calendars, necessarily, but they're still filled with art and jokes, and you can still print them out either in whole or part. So don't think of it as a calendar, think of it as a bundle of mini-posters. And speaking of bundles, there's a special if you really want all four (it's OK if you don't). 12/5/2016 As cleverly foreshadowed in my last post, the 2016 Order of the Stick Holiday Ornaments are. The 'battle' ornament features Belkar and the magic of the season, which in this specific case turns out to be an enchanted knife for killing hobgoblins.

Meanwhile, this year's 'snowfall' ornament features the whole Order, and that's because it's going to be the last in this particular design series. This was our first set stretching back to 2004, and starting next year we'll have a new design (or we won't have two, I haven't decided yet). Since these designs are being retired, we've also got one last chance to get any that you missed (or lost to unfortunate yuletide accidents). All twelve previous 'snowfall' designs and will be until the end of the month, then they will wander off into the arctic wastes, never to be seen again. Normally, I release a slew of t-shirts with these ornaments, but this year I've been drawn away from my desk more than normal by a pair of back-to-back family emergencies. Something had to fall by the wayside, and I chose the shirts. Maybe I'll add a new slate sometime in the Spring, if things work out, but it's just the ornaments for the holiday season.

The 2017 OOTS wall calendar is now available for. This year's theme is the monsters of The Order of the Stick (and, by extension, D&D), with each month featuring characters fighting or helping or otherwise interacting with a different creature. Mostly creatures that I know I'll probably never use in the comic, so, you know, if you really want to see a stick figure tarrasque, now's your chance.

Or clever misdirection?) If you enjoyed the previous calendars, this one is the same size and quality. If you hated them and wish I would stop spending time drawing them, well, it's still the same size and quality. Its physical qualities are not dependent on your emotional response to it, I guess is what I'm saying. Like in previous years, every calendar pre-ordered will result in GITP and Ookoodook donating $2 of the purchase price to charity. This year, in keeping with the creature theme, we're donating to local animal shelters here in Philadelphia. I suppose technically this isn't information you need to know to buy the calendar, but it's one of the main reasons I keep making it every year so I like sharing it.

I'm putting this on pre-sale a little early this year in an attempt to maximize the number of people who actually receive their copy before the winter holidays. That means our other regular holiday products—the ornament and any t-shirt designs I usually put on sale—aren't ready yet, but they'll be out before Thanksgiving.

But since those will be sold by the usual folks at CafePress, there's no plausible way to combine shipping of that stuff with the calendar. So if you think you want the calendar at all, feel free to order it now (or whenever you're ready).

And if you have any other questions, drop by the or ask me on. Also, I completely didn't realize until this moment that I'm putting a monster-themed calendar on sale on Halloween, but let's just pretend this is an amazing piece of intentional marketing synergy on my part because it makes me seem more clever than I actually am. 8/3/2016 I have been informed by the half-mad sorcerers who maintain the shrieking rituals necessary to wrench the accursed web server to some twisted semblance of life that lo, as the moon waxes these next few days, there may be interruptions in availability for as many as two score and eight hours while the unholy rite of DNS propagation winds its bloody way through the dark heart of the internet. But hear this oath: As the heartless sun sets on day of its name, so will the server burst forth— reborn and cloaked in the flesh of the unbelievers—to once again terrorize the land with its unspeakable thirsts and its stick figure fantasy comics. Let no woman or man say that fair warning was not given! 6/29/2016 Those of you that have followed anything about the Kickstarter that I ran know that there were a number of all-new stories promised for that effort, and you may even know that some of them have been delivered. The first such extra story was a new prequel story about Belkar's time before meeting the Order that I called Uncivil Servant.

I sent this out to backers back in 2013, but now I'm finally making it available for anyone who didn't pledge to the Kickstarter through Gumroad. It's a 12-page black-and-white self-contained story and you can. I wasn't really sure how to price a story of this length, so I'm experimenting with a pay-what-you-think-it's-worth option.

Just pick a price that you think is fair and pay that. This whole release is a bit of an experiment, honestly, to see whether this sort of 'new' material sells at all when released piecemeal instead of as part of a book, so there's no guarantee that the rest of the Kickstarter stories will be be released in this exact format (though they all will be released at some point, somehow). Also, if you are a Kickstater backer, you should already have gotten this story for free. If you never got it for some reason, you can go to the and download it from Update #57 on February 21, 2013 (you'll need to be logged in). In addition to the Belkar story, the next regular OOTS compilation is available in PDF:. So far with these compilations, I've been including extra little commentary boxes looking back on the old material with fresh eyes, but since DSTP isn't really that far in the past, I'm trying something different.

At the end of the book, I've included an essay about a product that I was working on back in 2007 and then abandoned: an OOTS d20 sourcebook. I didn't get very far with it before 4th Edition was announced and I shelved it, but you can see some discussion of what sort of ideas I had for it as well as a smattering of art and writing that I pulled from my files, including two half-page comics and some additional maps and such. It's eight pages total and there's no usable game rules, but I think it's an interesting look into something that might have been had various events not played out the way they did. 3/21/2016 Due to overwhelmingly positive feedback, the arrival of Order of the Stick books in PDF format continues apace with the release of two new digital editions to Gumroad: and. War and XPs is the third book in the main storyline, covering New Year's Eve through the end of the battle of Azure City, while Start of Darkness is the previously print-exclusive villain prequel story, telling the tale of how Xykon and Redcloak met.

This is the first time you'll be able to read Start of Darkness on a screen rather than on paper, so bibliophobics can finally read this crucial piece of the OOTS storyline. 2/16/2016 Good news if you were waiting for the rest of Order of the Stick books to be available in PDF format: No Cure for the Paladin Blues, the second volume in the main sequence of comics, is as a digital download from Gumroad. As I mentioned in a previous post, sales have been good enough to justify continuing the conversion process, so if you've been waiting to pick up the existing books in PDF you can now rest assured that the rest of the series is on its way. And like the previous of Dungeon Crawlin' Fools, I've written some additional commentary on the commentaries to squeeze in the cracks here and there throughout the book.

So this edition will have something for everyone, whether you're interested in how I look back on the Miko era today or you're simply an obsessive completionist who is driven—nay, compelled—to read every word I have ever written regarding the comic. Anyway, please buy my PDF, thank you. 1/6/2016 Our friends over at have launched a new version of their website with updated software that should improve service and whatnot. Since they sell most of my stuff (and I did a lot of the visual design work for them), I thought I'd mention it here.

I also took the time to update my own with the inclusion of as my fourth product vendor. It's a rare instance of me actually updating anything other than the comic or news on this creaky dilapidated website, so enjoy it as one would a rare bird spotting or perhaps an unusual astronomical convergence. Longtime readers of the site (and those who can scroll down like six inches) know that every year we have a new OOTS holiday ornament, and this year's version. You can see it there to the left, with Bandana and Gannji playing hockey. There are also some new t-shirt designs featuring Roy, Sangwaan, vampires opposed to renewable energy, and some other stuff, which you can check out in more detail as well, along with an FAQ.

Over at Ookoodook, this year's wall calendar is. Featuring the villains of the Order of the Stick saga, it's twelve months of spoooooky bad guy art and demon roach quips. If you liked the last two, you will like this one! Because it is similar, but different. As in previous years, we'll be donating $2 per calendar pre-ordered to charity; in this case, a. Finally, since my last update was about the digital PDFs and how I may or may not continue converting the rest of the OOTS library over to that format, I just wanted to update you on that.

The reaction has been very positive and sales have been good enough that I will definitely be releasing No Cure for the Paladin Blues at some point.but not before Christmas. So feel free to spend that money on t-shirts or calendars or I guess some sort of non-stick-figure goods like food or rent or whatever, if you're into that. 8/27/2015 I just posted the 1000th online strip of The Order of the Stick, which is impressive mostly for being a nice round number for those of us using base-10 number systems. It's been about a month shy of twelve years since I started the comic, and everything I said on the occasion of the (itself a very base-10-centric occasion) still holds true. Interestingly, I've done so many multi-page strips and offline supplementary material for the comic that the true number number of comic pages I've created is actually more like 1585—more than half as many again than the strip number indicates. I don't expect to get to strip #2000, but two thousand pages drawn seems pretty achievable before we wrap this thing up. In other news, for years now readers have been requesting—sometimes very urgently—digital editions of the OOTS print books, and I've always resisted for various economic reasons.

Well, I'm officially caving in. I'm pleased to announce new PDF versions of the first two books in The Order of the Stick canon, and. We're selling them through, which allows us to offer them at a lower price while not having to deal with electronic fulfillment ourselves. The new cover-watermarked PDFs feature scalable vector art that looks good at any resolution (you know, relative to the material), updated fonts to match the current comic, and are fully bookmarked, with all strip number references in the commentaries hyperlinked to the strip in question.

Dungeon Crawlin' Fools also features an all-new Afterword by me looking back on that era of the comic and all the things that make me cringe now. I'd like to specifically point out that this is the first time On the Origin of PCs has been available in non-tree-corpse format, so everyone who hates owning physical objects can now enjoy it (as long as they still own a computer or tablet or whatever).

This is still a bit of an experiment, keep in mind. If you want to know when the remaining OOTS books will be released in this format, the answer will depend heavily on how popular these end up being. The more we sell, the quicker you'll see the rest of the series in this format. As always, if you have any questions, I've set up a on the message board. 5/18/2015 Back when I ran the Kickstarter campaign, the top reward was a walk-on cameo for a D&D character of your creation.

It's taken a while, but today I fulfilled that reward in. Veldrina the elven priestess is the creation of one of my loyal backers and has been included here at their request. In fact, upon hearing the character's description for the first time, I immediately decided to slot her into an existing spot in the upcoming story where a divine caster would make the most sense, so she will be sticking around a bit more than the one page that was paid for. It just took a long time to get to this specific point in the narrative, though luckily the backer has been very gracious and patient for this entire time. So enjoy the first-ever fan-created OOTS character for however long she's here. I also fulfilled another promise with today's strip, if a less joyous one.

Mark Monack, who went by the screen name 'Wrecan,' was a pillar of the message board community for many years. He was, among his other roles, the founder of one of the forum's odder traditions: counting the number of strips each character appears in, a project that many years after he began it. When he passed in 2013, I asked his wife Jodie if there was anything I could do to help out. She told me he would have loved nothing more than to have a walk-on character named Wrecan in OOTS. Now, there is one. Just a quick update on the books and calendars. All items arrived in the Ookoodook warehouse late last week and they've been packing them up ever since.

Many of them will get where they're going before Christmas; many will not (including most international orders). If you ordered the book and/or calendar as a present for someone, I've designed a that you can download and print to give to the person to let them know that their package is on the way. 12/1/2014 This year's OOTS Holiday Ornaments are now, along with the now-traditional new selection of t-shirt designs. This year's features Thor enjoying a refreshing nog beverage, while the has Haley vs.

We also have new designs featuring gnomes, steampunk, rainbows, and healing potion endorsements, among others. If you want to see close-ups of all the new designs, I started with all of them on the message board. Last news update, I said I was going to answer any questions in a day or two, and there didn't end up being as many as I thought there would be, so I didn't. But I will now! Q: Are the books printed yet?

A: They're being printed right now. I tweeted an image of the book proofs on November 18th, and I approved them the next day. The printer said that it would take three weeks from proof approval for delivery, which would put the books arriving on December 10th. I do know that the Thanksgiving holiday that just passed may mess with that by a day or two, but the upshot is that books should start shipping by the end of that week, which would put them in the hands of all US customers and many international customers before December 24th. Calendar proofs are still on the way, but that should have a much quicker turnaround than three weeks so I expect everything to ship together. Q: Is the reduced cost shipping option still available? It will be available until the books arrive in the warehouse.

Q: Will there be tracking on the reduced pre-order shipping option? A: There will be tracking numbers available in case your package gets lost, yes. But they won't be sent out en masse when the orders are mailed; the Ookoodook staff will have a list that they'll be able to look up with the bulk shipping company, and if your package is overdue you'll be able to contact them and they'll contact the shipper about it. But there won't be real-time internet tracking like you might be used to from USPS.

For that, you'll have to select one of the more expensive options. Q: Will there be books or calendars still available later if I don't pre-order? A: The book should be in print from now on, yes.

For the calendar, we will only be printing about 100-200 extra from what we pre-sell, and when those run out, that will be it. Q: Can I order the book and ornament (or any of the t-shirts) from the same place to save on shipping? A: Unfortunately, no. All of the stuff produced by CafePress is made print-on-demand, and needs to be manufactured by them wherever their facilities are, while the books are shipping from the Ookoodook warehouse in Houston, TX.

Neither one can ship the other's products. We've been teasing this all weekend on the Twitter so here goes: The fifth book in the Order of the Stick story is now available for pre-order. Titled Blood Runs in the Family, this is a huge book that covers everything from the point where they first arrive on the Western Continent to the first look inside Durkon's eyes. I've set up that can give you more details on what bonus material the book covers. You should go read it, it's much funnier than this announcement, because I wrote it when I was better rested. The book will also be available through all the regular channels that OOTS books are sold, including your local game shop. I'm also happy to announce our second OOTS calendar, the 2015 Heroes Calendar.

This time, each month will feature a different OOTS hero battling monsters or doing something else suitably heroic. Like the book, this is now available for pre-order; unlike the book, this is an Ookoodook-exclusive. That means you can only.

Like last year's calendar, I'm really trying to push the edges of my art style on this one and I'm excited for how well it's turning out. Also, for the duration of the pre-order, Ookoodook is offering on all orders that include one or both of the above items. And we're also repeating the charity donation thing from last year—we'll donate $2.00 for every calendar sold. OK, that's the big announcement. I expect there to be 734 questions about the book; rather than try in vain to predict them, you can just ask them on the or, and I'll update this News page with some answers in a day or two.

— (well, except maybe the ). Something usually happened to push a villain down the path to. And hey, mightn't that make an interesting story? Thus, we have the Start of Darkness, a where we find out how the main antagonist from the original story got to that point. This, naturally, is especially common with, who usually get a where they lose faith in themselves and/or humanity. This will be especially poignant if they (see also: ). They don't need to be though, they just need to have had a moment in their lives, where they didn't ruin lives and haven't yet made choices that hurt others.

Keep in mind that the reasons, if there is such a thing as a good reason for turning evil. Much of the plot is often a, often ending in or; many characters are, which may require a full to explain why they don't show up in the original work. May include a to signal the first emergence of the character's villainous side. Badly executed, this can be a part of a.

Please note that this is about and that show a major villain's reasons for turning evil. If this is the subject of the main plot, you're watching a.

Subtrope of, which is when a good guy turns bad. Compare, where the Start of Darkness happens in the main story rather than in a prequel.

Contrast, when the villain's backstory is pointedly left absent. The Trope Namer is prequel Start of Darkness (see 'Webcomics'), whose title is itself referring to the 1899 Joseph Conrad novel, which tells the story of the protagonist's journey down the Congo river to rescue the mysterious Mr. Kurtz, an experience that changed his entire outlook on life for the worse. Needless to say, this being a trope: Spoilers Ahead!. 'Hey, Lithuania, we don't want children that can't play nice,. Russia mentions all. This could be taken as his, when he simply couldn't take more.: The Golden Age Arc, which is canonically the third Arc in the manga but the first chronologically, serves as one for Griffith, who was previously seen once as Femto right before the arc started, and explains Guts motivations.: The episode 'Two Father's Little Soldier Girls' contains a number of flashbacks to past detailing her childhood, service in Afghanistan, disillusionment with society and rise to power in.: The Side:Despair portion of the series shows how the students of Class 77-B from became Ultimate Despair.

It also shows the transformation of protagonist Hajime Hinata into Izuru Kamukura. Go ahead and beat to death the puppy of the, and force her to watch —.: In chapter 436, we are given a look into Zeref's past, including the source of his. He was cursed by a god for trying to bring his dead little brother back to life.

However, this was only the beginning. Later on, Mavis reveals when Zeref truly fell into the darkness: he fell in love with Mavis after he found out she had the same curse and she proposed that they give a shot. However, their first and only kiss kills her because his love for her is strong enough to empower his curse to take her supposedly immortal life. To have the only person who ever brought him happiness be so cruelly ripped away is what would finally break Zeref and cause a downward spiral that he would never get out of. is one for Kotomine Kirei.: Yuki used to be a sweet, shy boy living an unextraordinary life.

However, once he obtains his Future Diary and meets, that sweet boy becomes a faded memory, especially after his mother dies. His morality begins to disappear as the show progresses and he comes to love the girl who has him and. is the Start Of Darkness of Yomi.

Judging from, this might also qualify as Kagura's Start Of Darkness.: One episode in the second season focuses entirely on ' past, showing what motivated him to fight on the behalf of the people, even against the state.: In episode 15, of all people has one of these. Hare is killed right in front of him (in his arms) because of something stupid and selfish done by Souta and his friends in order to prevent the creation of the Void Ranking System. After her death Shu gets and and procedes to chillingly emotionlessly systemetically rip to pieces the mechs attacking them.


He then proceeds to go hysterical and begin pounding Souta's face in before being dragged off by Yahiro. Shu of all people,. Yet another Start of Darkness for the Master in the audio drama Master. Apparently, it all goes back to when he and the Doctor were at the Academy, and he killed an older boy who was tormenting them. This isn't what happened. The Doctor killed the boy and then made a deal with Death for the guilt to be transferred to his friend. The spinoff audio drama series I, Davros shows the early life of everyone's favorite.

Interesting in that he isn't given any, and you don't gain any sympathy for him, just understanding. The Graphic Novel has a Start of Darkness story for. Just, in fact.

Even in this story, he says that he remembers different versions of his 'one bad day', but just one is presented in the flashbacks: he used to be an unsuccessful stand-up comedian struggling to support his pregnant wife. To get money for her sake, he agreed to take part in just one robbery, at a chemical factory he used to work. His wife died suddenly in a freak accident, but his criminal accomplices wouldn't let him back out on the deal. Once they got to the factory, they found there were security guards that hadn't been there before, and the others got shot. Then Batman showed up and chased the future Joker, who fled by jumping into water that turned out to be chemically contaminated.

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Rich Burlew

When he got out and found he had been disfigured (or dis colored), he finally snapped and went. Relatedly, and addressed in universe, Batman himself counts as he was confronted with the very same darkness most of his enemies had to face when his parents dies.

The darkness is always there, influencing everything Bruce does, but stays trapped behind iron discipline. The issue ' of is also partially a Start of Darkness story, this time for Harley Quinn. It explains who she was and how she ended up with the Joker. A large portion of 's 75th issue was dedicated to Gina and company discovering the origins of both Alfred Peachbody (who was less noble in his beginnings) and Dreadwing, who fits this trope to an absolute T. Though Dreadwing's origins are detailed as mentioned above, it's further fleshed out in the Dreadwing's Myomior special, which is essentially Dreadwing's past narrated by himself.

Arguably effective despite the repetition, as the unbiased depictions of events from earlier serve to highlight the twisted perspective Dreadwing views his past through. It manages to make him sympathetic and tragic, while simultaneously keeping him a in the present.:. The Saint of Killers miniseries, which explained how the titular killer became the he is in the series proper. When he first appears, we know he was already a killer in the Civil War, but not how he got that way. Part of the miniseries shows his softening and becoming a family man. However, after a delay due to ruffians led to his family dying of fever, he returned to his killing. Herr Starr, the, has his own issue of this, as well, showing how he rose to the position that readers see him in.

He gets a moment and a legitimate claim to having been a good guy at one point—and quickly shows the predilections that make him such an outstanding villain for the rest of the series., Annual #2, showed the Start of Darkness for Doctor Doom. Reprised in a mini in recent years called 'Books of Doom', with added.

While the comic series is mostly Zayne Carrick's story, in its background it deals with the Jedi duo of 'the Revanchist' and Alek, showing their gradual transformation into the Revan and Malak we see in the game. In fact, this trope is so pervasive that Zayne himself and his Master Lucien were speculated to be a past version of every Sith Lord from the two games at some point. The supervillain has his origin given in 'Young Death — Boyhood of a Superfiend'. This shows (with some incredibly black humour) how a nasty and psychopathic child develops into a monster that wipes out his whole world. Although, to be fair, the reoffending rate is to all intents and purposes negligible. Darkness hardly begins to describe it.

It's one of those rare origin stories that serves to completely dehumanize a villain as opposed to adding a layer of tragedy. Death was always evil, even before he willingly threw away the last of his humanity.:.

In IDW's material, Megatron: Origin details the origins of. has the Shadowplay arc, which is being told to a comatose Rung to help Jog his memory. It's about Orion Pax (Optimus Prime) fighting down the corrupt Pre-war senate who seek to kill a bunch of bots, with the help of a non-corrupt senator and ragtag police crew. At the very end of the arc it's revealed that it's the Senator's start of Darkness, taking the fall so Optimus and his partner get out, and having his emotions destroyed and appearance altered forever, and this was the story of how Shockwave came to be who he is now.

The gradually unfolding back story of Winnowill and Two-Edge rather took over the second major arc of. We got to see exactly how and why both ended up such raging twisties. villain has a truly long and harrowing SOD that was revealed in snippets throughout the years following his debut and would be truly over-the-top if everything about it wasn't mostly. It's far too long to fully recount here, but let's just say that it isn't too surprising that someone who witnessed first hand the evils of, the Holocaust, and -stricken America while losing his whole family, a girlfriend, a wife, and a daughter along the way as well as finding out he's a in the would end up a. After decades of speculation, First X-Men showed readers Sabretooth's start of darkness. While, what finally pushed him over the edge into full-blown villain territory was the death of his girlfriend Holo.

Holo was a member of a ragtag rebel band of mutants that Wolverine and Creed had put together, and after a while, Creed wanted the two to throw a before the final fight to keep Holo safe, but she would not have it. Sure enough, she dies. What probably made it worse is that, while she was dying, she used her powers to show Creed the life they could've had, with the two growing old and happy together, before cutting the illusion to reveal that she was in fact mortally wounded. Creed ends up blaming Logan, and to this day, makes it a tradition to kill any woman Logan is involved with.

The Order Of The Stick Start Of Darkness

'Tales of the (X) Corps' strips in and Green Lantern Corps show the Starts of Darkness of various Sinestro Corpsmen and Red Lanterns, as well as Agent Orange. Some of them have tragic pasts, others (including Larfleeze) just aren't very nice people.

All Red Lanterns have tragic backstories—at the very least they were betrayed by their fellow gangmembers—because the red power comes from rage, hate, and resentment. by Wildstorm, as the name implies, is the story of Pamela Voorhees and how she came to become the first killer of the Friday the 13th franchise. tells the origin story of Professor Zoom, of the Flash. The story manages to showcase, via time travel, both what a nutter he was, and what a nutter he became. Long story short — he was a child of the where, so he kind of started.: 's turn to darkness was explored in a trip to the past. He used to be a champion to his people called Mighty Adam and was every bit the hero. Then a supervillain killed his family.

He hasn't been the same since. History repeated itself in.