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Trex 450 Pro Dx7 Setup: Software


RunRyder RC Helicopter - Forum Topic - DX7 TRex 450 setup help needed - Page 1.

Hi, loke a few i own the DX7S but have noticed there really nowhere that helpswith setting it up for beginners setting for starting out, ive been able to find little scattered pieces of info that kind of relate but not specific to the DX7S. So could someone please post all the settings for this tx so that a beginner can actually be able to fly his birdbird rather than a paper weight? Ive owned a Trex 450 Pro with the 3gx and fbl on it for over a month no and have yet to be able to fly at all, ive gotten as far as being able to bind the rx and tx but thats it cuz i have no clue what the setting are for my DX7S or how to setup my heli either but thats another thread topic but if someone could also post a link to where i can go to find out step by step info on trex 450 pro 3gx fbl setup that would be awrspme too. Please when ypu reply give us more info than just the basic 11 degree pitchthong and throttle curve cuz im unfortunately dead serious when i tell u that i have no idea how to setup either the heli or the tx and please dont reply with google it or check out youtube cuz if ur gonna refer me somewhere please include the specific link. Thank you so much for any and all help on any of these matters it is greatly appreciated and i hppe one day that o may have the knowledge to give u on a topic to give back. As I have posted in another thread, I have covered a LOT of what you are wanting to know in my DX8 videos. The main difference, as I posted in the other thread, is that the DX8 has 3 position switches and the 7s only have a 2 position switch.

Each helicopter will be different on how it's setup in the helicopter and on the transmitter. No one can say 'this is the perfect setup' because your subtrims will be different, your gyro gain will be different and your linkage lengths will be different. First step is to setup your Tx. Watch through the videos on the heli setup that I have created for the forum and get your Tx ready. Then, set your pitch curves to what I have below. Normal: 46 48 50 75 100 Idle Up: 0 25 50 75 100 Hold: 0 25 50 75 100 Then setup your throttle curves Normal: 0 40 75 75 75 Idle Up: 85 85 85 85 85 Hold: 0 0 0 0 0 Make sure in system settings that you go into the F-Mode setup and put throttle hold on Hold instead of INH.

When setting up your heli, the front left servo is your pitch, front right is your aileron and rear is your elevator. This is where your setup will be different than anyone elses heli.

Yamaha Dx7 Software

You will need to figure out what needs to be reversed in the servo menu and what needs to be reversed in teh swash menu. Now onto what you posted above.

I have created this forum for help. I sensed a little attitude from your post above and I believe you have seen, on other forums, what caused me to create this forum. Don't worry, we will help. There have been a lot of this covered before, and there are some that will say 'follow a link in my sig' to help you out. There is good info out there in this forum and those links will help you out without having us sit here and type out for 10 minutes.

Trex 450 Rtf


Align Trex 450 Pro V2

If you get your Tx bound to the Rx and you are up and runnign and can move the servos, post a video of moving the sticks and we will help you reverse what needs to be reversed. Welcome to the forum!